
Online Teaching Guide

Comprehensive resource for teachers on how to teach online

What exactly is online education?

For the purposes of this handbook, online teaching is defined as the practise of teaching an individual or a group via the internet. Essentially, it is real-time instruction in which the teacher and student(s) are in different locations. That means you can teach anyone, anyplace from the comfort of your own home.

There’s never been a better moment to start teaching online. Every day, more people become aware of the benefits of online learning. As more individuals connect to the internet via ever-improving internet connections, the possibilities are endless.

What are the schedules?

You can set your own schedule in coordination with  students. Because online education is worldwide and different people have different tastes, you should talk to the students and come to an agreement on a time that works for both of you. I know professors who travel on vacation with their laptops, enjoy themselves during the day, then teach from their hotel room at night.

Typing ability

Given that most of us will spend a significant portion of our lives typing, learning to type quickly makes sense. If you wish to teach online, the necessity becomes even more pressing. The right way to type is to touch type, which is typing without glancing at the keyboard.

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